Ну, не то, чтобы прям Новости, но возрадуемся же - начался процесс производства третьего Шерлока Холмса (если точнее - пишется сценарий. ага, а вы думали, там уже половина сделана?)
Про это Джуд говорит в этом видео rdjfanfic.tumblr.com/post/47537528547/q-youve-t... (где-то после того, как Джуд говорит про их с Дауни отношения)

“After joking about how hot, steamy and exhausting the relationship between Sherlock and his long suffering companion Doctor Watson is, Jude confirmed that he believes work will start next month on a sсript for another big screen outing for the pair. Although it’s unlikely filming would actually start before next year due in part to Robert Downey Jr’s hectic schedule.
Jude Law admitted that he had already spoken to co-star Robert Downey Jr at length about ideas for the next film, drawing on inspiration from the vast collection of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s work. In particular he confessed that both stars share a wishful ambition to turn their next adventure into a pair of sequels, with one case naturally leading into another in a second film.

While Jude was quick to admit that nothing is confirmed yet, the idea would be that Sherlock Holmes 3 and 4 would follow the examples of franchises like Harry Potter and Twilight in filming both chapters back to back. As for what might lie in store for the super sleuthing detective duo Jude teasingly replied “Divorce!” Suggesting their bickering oddball relationship would remain just as hilariously awkward.”


мне правда лень переводить( запихните в гугл, общий смысл уловите.

Если в двух словах, то нам наврядли что-то обломится раньше следующего года; и они хотят снять сразу две части - 3 и 4 - и подать их нам по отдельности, типа щас так модно

еще есть такое интервью с Робертом:

From a February 2013 audio interview with RDJ for Iron Man 3 (starts at 25:26, at the very end of the interview) :

Q: A lot of us are curious about the next Sherlock Holmes and when we might be seeing it.
RDJ: Thank you, and I’ll let you know when we’ve banged out a storyline in two weeks. [laughter] With Drew Pearce, by the way. Yep, I’m nothing if not loyal.
Q: Do you think that could be going in front of the cameras soon?
RDJ: Um, “soon” is relevant, isn’t it? I feel like we were just talking about the first Iron Man ten minutes ago. So … some time in the next seven years.

тут он "шутит", что в ближайшие лет семь они точно снимут третьего Холмса.

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